Mastering Mindful Consumption

Words like “mindful” and “intention” get thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean when it comes to cannabis? And why should I care?

Whatever we consume—joints, smoothies, TikTok, new clothes—affects more than just our bodies (and wallets). It impacts our entire perspective, and the rate of our collective consumption affects the world around us.

But “mindful consumption” is not actually about restricting oneself. It’s about taking the time to acknowledge and understand. Being more thoughtful about why, what, and how much you consume may impact your habits, but at its core, this isn't about right or wrong; good vs bad.


Step 1: Identify Intention

Mindful consumption = awareness without judgment, and it starts with a simple question: Why am I smoking right now?

There is no wrong answer. It’s just about giving yourself an answer. No judgment, no guilt, no shame. Is it because you’re stressed? Mad? Bored? A new episode of your favorite show?  Doing this every time you spark up will highlight patterns in your life, revealing consistent stresses or triggers that you can address over time. 


Step 2: Seeing Cannabis For The Plant It Is—Good and Bad

Historically, we’ve been forced into a dichotomy with cannabis—all good or all bad. For a century, the plant was demonized as a dangerous drug, used to manipulate social and political dynamics. Then, thanks largely to queer activists in the 1990s, the medicinal properties of cannabis entered the chat. The last 20-ish years have been about redefining this plant as medicine.

That has been a steep hill to climb (and we aren’t there yet!), requiring tireless work by advocates to educate and destigmatize. It’s been so steep that some parts of the weed world refuse to acknowledge any risk at all. 

Here’s the thing: Cannabis can be unhealthy. It can also be healthy. It can have a range of positive impacts on mind and body—and it can have negative impacts when consumed at a potency or frequency incompatible with one’s body. The same goes for exercise and dark chocolate. In order to maintain a healthy, long-term relationship with this plant, we have to be mindful of that reality.


Step 3: Find Your Minimum Dose

The dosage conversation is almost always about maxing out — how high can I get; how many milligrams can this product legally contain. It's a game of shooting for or avoiding the ceiling. We are not about that ceiling game. Well, sometimes we are, but we want to do so consciously. This plant is too special to mindlessly binge like a bag of chips.

The goal here is not to identify our ceiling but rather identify our baseline. How much do I really need to get the effect I am looking for?

To figure that out, follow these steps to see how low you can go. 

1. Start with 1 mg or one tiny puff, and wait 30 minutes.
2. If you still don't feel anything, take another milligram or one tiny puff. If you've got that Eiffel Tower level of tolerance, maybe start with a slightly higher starter dose.
3. The goal is to learn the smallest dose you need to feel the effect you want. 

This challenge may end up with some of you cutting down your usual volume—don't worry. You're free to go right back up when you've found your minimum. But you might find you don't need to.

We believe we owe it to this plant (and the planet whose resources are required to grow it) to appreciate the power of every single puff.


Step 4: Test Your Skills

To really step into your mindfulness, we offer a challenge. We dare you to go to the sesh without smoking.

This is about taking your habits into your own hands, and never feeling beholden to anyone, any environment, or any impulse. The goal is consuming only on your own terms at all times, in whatever way feels mindful to you. 

"But what do I say to my friends?!" Say you’re saving your voice like Charli. Say you have a tickle in your throat. Say you have reservations for an amazing dinner later and want to wait to smoke til then.

Show yourself you can sesh on your terms and your terms alone. And let this empower you to do the same with all that you consume, smokable or otherwise.