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masturbating with weed

How to Use Sex Magick, Masturbation, and Cannabis to Manifest Your Deepest Desires

Jerico Mandybur

The new moon on August 18 occupies the sign of Leo, zodiac royalty. That means royal manifesting, the fiery leonine way.

A new moon always signifies a new cycle and an energy that vibrates with new possibilities and growth. New moons mean new intentions, new manifestations, and—in this case—new weed-friendly rituals to connect us with nature, calm our nervous systems, and ground back into our bodies.

But WTF is manifesting? Depends who you ask, to be honest. But for our purposes, we’ll say it’s the act of using thoughts, beliefs, actions, and energy to will or select a particular reality. It’s about believing that you’re capable of attracting awesome shit to you, based on how you live your life.

Since Leo is all about open-heartedness, self-expression, attention—and, ultimately self-validation—the new moon is a perfect time to focus on manifesting love, creative potential, and making peace with being seen. It’s about illuminating your deepest desires. That could translate to artistic projects or being in the spotlight or being recognized for your hard work. Or, it could mean attracting an admirer or getting in touch with your WAP—literally. Because Leos desire and are desired, equally.

When we increase our sexual arousal, we increase our energy, which in turns allows us to manifest more strongly on the astral plane. The more pleasure, the more power.

Speaking of WAPs: that’s where sex magic comes in. Traditionally spelled “magick”, sex magic—whether solo or partnered—works under the millenias-old assumption that when we increase our sexual arousal, we increase our energy, which in turns allows us to manifest more strongly on the astral plane. The more pleasure, the more power. The bigger the climax (assuming you have one) the bigger the portal of possibility you open—allowing your heart’s desires to flood in.

That’s a commonly-held belief among witchy types, but what’s a little more niche is the role weed can play in masturbating to manifest.

We know from studies that cannabis is an epic inhibition-loosener. Due to its stress-relieving and calm-increasing properties, the plant naturally increases sexual pleasure for pretty much everyone who’s ever tried it. Anecdotally, masturbating with weed connects us more directly to our bodies, our sensual capacity—and I humbly argue—to our magical manifestation abilities. Want to try it for yourself? Of course you do.

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Sex Magick: A New Moon Masturbating With Weed Ritual

Alright baddies, since the whole point of this ritual is to honor our pleasure and manifest our heart’s desires, the first thing you wanna do is set a pure intention. What exactly are you manifesting under this new moon? Be thoughtful, let your higher self guide you, and be specific. Try to be realistic and try to pick something that represents your deepest dreams and wildest fantasies for how you want to feel. Once you have it, write it down on some yellow, pink, or just really good-looking paper.

Set the scene

You know the drill; it’s set and setting time. Gather your stuff, but do it mindfully, holding your manifestation in mind the whole time. Dress in your hottest underwear, use your prettiest rolling tray and your special-occasion bong, and your finest flower and herbs.

But don’t stop there: Turn on a Spotify playlist that makes you feel sexy, pull out your favorite sex toy or product, and keep your Foria Awaken lube close by. Now light some incense, burn a yummy candle and get yourself in the mood.

Take it all in

Time for your pre-manifestation sesh, bb. Whether you’re smoking a j, pipe, or even just loosening up the body and mind with a balancing CBD tincture, the goal is to make a manifestation-friendly ritual of your consumption time. Don’t strain yourself trying to think about your intention, though. Instead, embody the feeling. Let it enter your aura. Feel it down to your bones.

If you want to manifest more self-love, let every inch of you come alive with the pleasure of existing inside your unique body. If you dream of manifesting clearer skin (why not?), stand naked in front of the mirror and admire every inch of your skin, embodying the feeling of pride and gratitude with every cell in your body. You’re allowing yourself to sync up with that manifested feeling, now. It might feel a little like “fake it til you make it”, but energetically, it’s a like a magnet.

I touch myself

When you’re in the zone and feel loved up on yourself and fully embodying your heart’s desire, just go for it! And while I’m not about to tell you how to masturbate, I will say this: go slow. Be deliberate. Tease yourself. Explore every single area of your body, head to feet. Appreciate every gesture you shower on yourself—and I guarantee you will. After all, you’re baked! So let it be as winding and enjoyable as stoned sex—or in this case, masturbating with weed—should be.

While that’s going on, I want you to hold your manifestation in both your heart, body, and your mind’s eye. Again, don’t force anything. Your mind will wander and that’s totally okay. But stay with the feeling of it. As your pleasure builds, allow the embodiment of your manifestation to build—like you’re getting closer to achieving your heart’s desire the closer you get to orgasm. When you reach an orgasm, that’s when your energy is at its peak. As it physically sends shock waves through your body, it also sends energetic ripples out into the universe. Ripples that attract similar frequencies. That’s the magic of manifesting via masturbation.

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Once you’re done, luxuriate in the feeling of selecting and attracting your heart’s desire. Make sure you give thanks to mama moon in Leo for allowing you to manifest tonight. Put your piece of magical paper somewhere special, and, as they say, “set it and forget it”.

In other words, go on with your life as normal, knowing and deeply trusting that the blessings that are meant for you will find you—just as you know and deeply trust that you’ll meet them halfway by only taking actions aligned with your highest good. And so it is.

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